Cefnogi Teuluoedd - Supporting Families
Sut gallwn ni helpu?
Fel ysgol, gallwn weithredu fel pont rhwng rhieni sydd angen cefnogaeth ac asiantaethau allanol trwy ddarparu gwybodaeth ac adnoddau i rieni. Gellir gwneud hyn drwy gynnal gweithdai neu sesiynau gwybodaeth i rieni, darparu pecynnau adnoddau, neu gysylltu rhieni â sefydliadau cymunedol a grwpiau cymorth. Yn ogystal, gall staff ysgol wasanaethu fel eiriolwyr i rieni trwy eu cysylltu â'r asiantaeth neu wasanaeth priodol a dilyn i fyny i sicrhau bod anghenion y rhieni yn cael eu diwallu. Drwy weithredu fel hwylusydd, gall yr ysgol helpu i sicrhau bod rhieni’n cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt i ddarparu’r gofal gorau posibl i’w plant.
How can we help?
As a school, we can act as a bridge between parents who need support and external agencies by providing information and resources to parents. This can be done by holding parent workshops or information sessions, providing resource packs, or connecting parents with community organizations and support groups. In addition, school staff can serve as advocates for parents by connecting them to the appropriate agency or service and following up to ensure that the parents' needs are met. By acting as a facilitator, the school can help ensure that parents get the support they need to provide the best possible care for their children.
Gwynedd Council Family Support Services
Cyngor Gwynedd Services to Support Families