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Arwyr Amgylcheddol
Arwyr Amgylcheddol
Yn ein thema, "Arwyr Amgylcheddol," bydd eich plant yn cychwyn ar genhadaeth i amddiffyn ein planed. Fe fyddan nhw’n wynebu her wrth iddyn nhw gamu i esgidiau swyddogion amgylcheddol, sydd â’r dasg o fynd i’r afael â phroblem tipio anghyfreithlon yng nghaeau’r Bragdy.
Fel rhan o'u rôl, byddant yn hogi eu sgiliau datrys problemau trwy gasglu tystiolaeth, drafftio datganiadau llys, a nodi'r tramgwyddwr sy'n gyfrifol am y drosedd amgylcheddol. Gan fentro allan i'r safle gydag offer mesur, byddant yn casglu data'n ofalus iawn, gan gynnwys mapio'r lleoliad a dadansoddi'r tywydd.
Trwy ymchwiliad ymarferol, byddant yn dyfnhau eu dealltwriaeth o effaith tipio anghyfreithlon ar yr amgylchedd, gan dynnu ar eu gwybodaeth o ddeunyddiau a'u priodweddau. Wedi'u hysbrydoli gan weithiau llenyddol fel "Green, Blue Planet," byddant yn archwilio canlyniadau difrod amgylcheddol ac yn mynegi eu dirnadaeth trwy farddoniaeth wreiddiol, gan gyfrannu at gasgliad cyhoeddedig.
Drwy gydol y thema, bydd eich plant yn cydnabod arwyddocâd stiwardiaeth amgylcheddol ac yn darganfod ffyrdd y gallant wneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol. Byddant hefyd yn archwilio etifeddiaeth artistig Syr Kyffin Williams, gan ymweld ag Oriel Môn i edmygu ei waith a chymryd rhan mewn gweithdai i greu eu campweithiau eu hunain yn ei arddull nodedig.
Gan ddiweddu ar eu taith ddysgu, byddant yn cyflwyno eu canfyddiadau a’u dirnadaeth mewn lleoliad llys, gan gymryd rôl cymeriadau allweddol a thraddodi areithiau ar sail eu tystiolaeth a’u gwybodaeth gronedig. Mae’r profiad trochi hwn yn addo rhoi ymdeimlad o gyfrifoldeb tuag at y blaned ynddynt a’u grymuso i ddod yn bencampwyr amgylcheddol yn eu rhinwedd eu hunain.
Environmental Heroes
In our theme, "Environmental Heroes," your children will embark on a mission to protect our planet. They will face a challenge as they step into the shoes of environmental officers, tasked with tackling a problem of fly tipping in Brewery fields.
As part of their role, they will sharpen their problem-solving skills by collecting evidence, drafting court statements, and identifying the culprit responsible for the environmental offense. Venturing out to the site armed with measuring tools, they will meticulously gather data, including mapping the location and analyzing weather conditions.
Through hands-on investigation, they will deepen their understanding of the impact of fly tipping on the environment, drawing upon their knowledge of materials and their properties. Inspired by literary works such as "Green, Blue Planet," they will explore the consequences of environmental damage and express their insights through original poetry, contributing to a published collection.
Throughout the theme, your children will recognize the significance of environmental stewardship and discover ways they can make a positive difference. They will also explore the artistic legacy of Sir Kyffin Williams, visiting Oriel Mon to admire his work and participating in workshops to create their own masterpieces in his distinctive style.
Culminating their learning journey, they will present their findings and insights in a courtroom setting, assuming the roles of key characters and delivering speeches informed by their accumulated evidence and knowledge. This immersive experience promises to instill in them a sense of responsibility towards the planet and empower them to become environmental champions in their own right.