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Cyfathrebu - Communication

Pam fod cyfathrebu rhwng yr Ysgol a'r Cartref yn bwysig?

Mae cyfathrebu rhwng y cartref a’r ysgol yn hanfodol ar gyfer creu amgylchedd dysgu cadarnhaol ac effeithiol i ddisgyblion. Trwy gadw llinellau cyfathrebu agored rhwng rhieni, athrawon, a staff eraill yr ysgol, gall pawb gydweithio i gefnogi datblygiad academaidd, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol ein disgyblion.

Mae cyfathrebu da rhwng y cartref a'r ysgol yn helpu i sicrhau ein bod yn hysbysu rhieni am gynnydd eu plentyn, yn darparu cyfleoedd i rieni ofyn cwestiynau, lleisio pryderon, a gwneud awgrymiadau, ac yn meithrin ymdeimlad o bartneriaeth rhwng y cartref a'r ysgol.

Mae'r math hwn o gydweithio yn hanfodol ar gyfer hyrwyddo llwyddiant disgyblion ac yn helpu i feithrin ymddiriedaeth a dealltwriaeth rhwng yr holl bartïon dan sylw.

Why is communication between home and school important?

Communication between home and school is essential for creating a positive and effective learning environment for pupils. By keeping open lines of communication between parents, teachers, and other school staff, everyone can work together to support our pupils' academic, social and emotional development.

Good communication between home and school helps to ensure that we keep parents informed of their child's progress, provides opportunities for parents to ask questions, voice concerns, and make suggestions, and fosters a sense of partnership between the home and the school.

This type of collaboration is essential for promoting pupils' success and helps to build trust and understanding between all the parties involved.

Which apps do I need to communicate effectively with the school?

School Gateway
SeeSaw Family

Beth yw School Gateway? - What is School Gateway?

Gateway yw’r brif system y mae’r ysgol yn ei defnyddio i:

Anfon e-byst;

Clwb brecwast a chlybiau ar ôl ysgol;

Rheoli teithiau (gan gynnwys cael caniatâd rhieni);

Rheoli holl daliadau ysgol gan rieni.

School Gateway is the main system which the school uses to:

Send emails;

Book club breakfast and after-school clubs;

Manage trips (including gaining parental consent);

Manage all school payments from parents.


Beth yw SeeSaw? - What is SeeSaw?

Portffolio digidol a yrrir gan ddisgyblion i gyfathrebu â rhieni ydy SeeSaw.

Gall athrawon ddefnyddio Seesaw i rannu gwaith disgyblion, rhoi adborth, a darparu diweddariadau ar eu cynnydd. Gall rhieni gael mynediad i Seesaw i weld portffolio eu plentyn, olrhain eu dysgu, a derbyn hysbysiadau am ychwanegiadau newydd. Yn ogystal, gall athrawon a rhieni ddefnyddio nodwedd negeseuon Seesaw i gyfathrebu'n uniongyrchol â'i gilydd, gan ei wneud yn lle cyfleus a chanolog i rannu gwybodaeth am addysg y disgybl.

Seesaw is a digital portfolio driven by pupils to communicate with parents.

Teachers can use Seesaw to share pupils' work, give feedback, and provide updates on their progress. Parents can access Seesaw to view their child's portfolio, track their learning, and receive notifications about new additions. In addition, teachers and parents can use Seesaw's messaging feature to communicate directly with each other, making it a convenient and central place to share information about the pupil's education.


Sut arall ydym yn cyfathreby gyda rhieni? - How else the school communicate with parents?

Mae Ysgol Cae Top yn cyfathrebu â rhieni mewn sawl ffordd:

  1. Cynadleddau rhieni ac athrawon: Fel arfer cynhelir y rhain ychydig o weithiau'r flwyddyn ac maent yn rhoi cyfle i athrawon drafod cynnydd myfyriwr gyda'u rhieni.

  2. Diwrnodau Dewch i Chwarae: Cynhelir y rhain ar gyfer rhieni’r Cyfnod Sylfaen ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn, gan ganiatáu i rieni dreulio’r prynhawn yn cefnogi eu plentyn yn y dosbarth. Mae hyn yn cynnig cipolwg unigryw i rieni ar ddiwrnod eu plentyn yn yr ysgol.

  3. E-byst: Gall yr ysgol anfon e-byst rheolaidd i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i rieni am ddigwyddiadau'r ysgol, dyddiadau pwysig, a newyddion eraill.

  4. Pyrth ar-lein: Mae Ysgol Cae Top yn defnyddio SeeSaw i gasglu portffolio o waith pob plentyn ac i ddathlu gwaith ein plant gyda rhieni. Gall y rhain fod yn lluniau, fideos neu femos llais. Mae plant hŷn hefyd yn defnyddio Google Classroom, lle gall rhieni weld y tasgau sydd wedi'u gosod ar gyfer eu plant.

  5. Galwadau ffôn: Gall athrawon ffonio rhieni i drafod cynnydd, ymddygiad, neu faterion pwysig eraill myfyriwr.

  6. Negeseuon testun: Rydym yn defnyddio negeseuon testun i gyfathrebu gwybodaeth bwysig megis cau ysgolion, rhybuddion brys, neu wybodaeth arall sy'n sensitif i amser.

  7. Cyfryngau cymdeithasol: Mae Ysgol Cae Top yn defnyddio Facebook i rannu gwybodaeth am gyfleoedd i blant yn ein cymuned neu gefnogaeth i rieni.

  8. E-byst Dosbarth: Gall rhieni e-bostio negeseuon syml fel "trin â gofal", neu i roi caniatâd i blentyn gerdded adref i e-byst y dosbarth. Oherwydd goblygiadau llwyth gwaith, gofynnwn i rieni beidio â cheisio defnyddio e-byst sy’n mynd yn ôl ac ymlaen gydag athrawon dosbarth. Gofynnwch am gyfarfod yn yr ysgol i ddatrys unrhyw faterion neu i roi mesurau cymorth ar waith.

  9. Cydlynydd ADY: Mae Miss Randall ar gael i gefnogi rhieni ag unrhyw bryder ynghylch anghenion dysgu ychwanegol neu i gyfeirio rhieni am gymorth yn y cartref.

  10. Dylid cysylltu â Mr Davies yn uniongyrchol am unrhyw gwynion. Gofynnwch am apwyntiad neu ffoniwch yr ysgol fel y gallwn gydweithio i ddatrys materion cyn gynted â phosibl.

There are several ways that Ysgol Cae Top communicate with parents:

  1. Parent-teacher conferences: These are typically held a few times a year and provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss a student's progress with their parents.

  2. Come and Play days: These are held for Foundation Phase parents at the start of the year, allowing parents to spend the afternoon supporting their child in the class. This offers parents a unique insight into their child's day at school.

  3. Emails: The school may send out regular emails to keep parents up-to-date on school events, important dates, and other news.

  4. Online portals: Ysgol Cae Top uses SeeSaw to gather a portfolio of each child's work and to celebrate our children's work with parents. These can be pictures, videos or voice memos. Older children also use Google Classroom, where parents can see the tasks which have been set for their children.

  5. Phone calls: Teachers may call parents to discuss a student's progress, behaviour, or other important issues.

  6. Text messages: We use text messages to communicate important information such as school closures, emergency alerts, or other time-sensitive information.

  7. Social media: Ysgol Cae Top uses Facebook to share information regarding opportunities for children in our community or support for parents.

  8. Class Emails: Parents can email simple messages such as "handle with care", or to give permission for a child to walk home to the class emails. Due to workload implications, we ask that parents not try and engage in emails that go back and forth with class teachers. Please request a meeting at the school to resolve any issues or put support measures in place.

  9. ALNCo: Miss Randall is available to support parents with any concern regarding additional learning needs or to sign post parents for support at home.

  10. Mr Davies should be contacted directly for any complaints. Please ask for an appointment or phone the school so that we can work together to resolve issues as quickly as possible.

Cynnal cyfarthebu cadarnhaol gyda'r ysgol - Maintaining positive communication with school

Mae meithrin a chynnal perthnasoedd cadarnhaol gyda rhieni yn rhan o’n gwerthoedd craidd.

Rhieni yw ein partneriaid yn addysg ein plant. Felly, byddwn yn rhoi ein sylw llawn i chi wrth weithio gyda'n gilydd.

Os oes problem, neu os hoffech ragor o gefnogaeth, ffoniwch yr ysgol i drefnu cyfarfod, neu dilynwch y 10 pwynt a nodir yn yr adran "Sut mae'r ysgol yn cyfathrebu â rhieni?" adran.

Peidiwch os gwelwch yn dda:

Anfon negeseuon preifat at aelodau staff yn ymwneud â’r ysgol ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. (Mae tagio'r ysgol ar gyfer digwyddiadau yn iawn)

Mynd at staff y tu allan i'r ysgol i drafod materion yn ymwneud â'r ysgol, ee clybiau chwaraeon y mae ein plant yn eu mynychu gyda'i gilydd.

Taflwch rwystredigaethau am rywbeth trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol - siaradwch â ni'n uniongyrchol, a byddwn yn ceisio helpu.

Ysgogi a pharhau negeseuon e-bost yn ôl ac ymlaen gyda staff. - Gall hyn greu llwyth gwaith afiach a chymryd amser i ffwrdd oddi wrth ein plant.

Building and maintaining positive relationships with parents is a part of our core beliefs.

Parents are our partners in our children's education. Therefore, we will give you our full attention when working together.

If there is an issue, or you would like further support, please phone the school and arrange a meeting, or follow the 10 points set out in the "How does the school communicate with parents?" section.

Please do not:

Send private messages to staff members relating to the school on social media. (Tagging the school for events is fine)

Approach staff outside the school to discuss issues relating to the school, e.g. sports clubs that our children attend together.

Vent frustrations about something via social media - speak to us directly, and we'll try and help.

Instigate and continue back-and-forth emails with staff. - This can create an unhealthy workload and take time away from our children.